Invasion of the Dhokla Culture

Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on , ,
Sometimes I feel pretty smug about not being born a Gujju. No eating Dhoklas and patras everyday. No referring to snacks as 'snakes'. No living in joint families full of aunties who talk to each other in a pitch so high you'd think they were trying to communicate with people of the neighbouring building. No having relatives with names like 'Jeeee-tes" and 'Meee-tes'.

And while, I was riding on this high horse of mine, Destiny intervened to play dirty games with me. My building organised a Dandiya event . To my dismay I was not just forced, but threatened to attend it.

The only thing that kept me going was that I was going to get to wear my extra blingy bright pink churidar kurta, embellished with mirrors and sequins, with a crush dupatta to go with it. And of course wear dramatic Indian make up which I don't get to on a daily basis.

Now lets be honest, dandiya and garba are both beautiful dance forms, but do people living in this city really know them. As far as I have seen, people doing garba just jump in and out of a circle while moving their head simultaneously with the many tiers in their bodies. Dandiya is another monotonous process. Hitting the same sticks again and again in the same damn way. Yet it find so many takers.

Again if the guys at dandiya events are good looking, it is a good enough reason to go. but the place is usually filled with chashma-wearing, mamma's boys type Gujju boys. Or else there are no guys at all. Only shapeless uncles playing a version of Dandiya I wouldn't even call dandiya. Infact, a lot of them look like they're actually playing some sort of sword fight in order to get rid of their pent- up frustration.

Under these circumstances, I was forced to play with the aunties of the building. Mind you a lot of them were also indulging in the whole I-need-to-get-rid of my frustration game. Clearly not the best attitude to play with. I fad put on my best plastic smile and pretended like I was having sooo much fun, while I was secretly wishing I had worn an armour of some sort because I was so terrified someone would knock me right off.

I was trying to be positive by telling myself that this was a brilliant opportunity to exercise and tone my arms which I otherwise never do, among the various Tulsi-bens and Mani-bens, while I silently watched the values and principles I had embraced all my life slowly and steadily flow down the drain. Such is the tragedy of life!


Anonymous said...
October 1, 2009 at 4:04 PM

Are you kidding?! Typical Gujju dandiya is FUN! I was yearning to be able to go play this time around, but couldn't because of exams.

P.S.: The extra blingy bright mirrored and sequined JHATAAK chaniya cholis with dramatic Indian make up? I was particularly excited about wearing that. Lol!

el_idioto said...
October 2, 2009 at 12:11 AM

well i'm not a gujju lover.. and neither a dandiya / garba lover..

neither ever made sense..

still doesn't.. its more place for bird watching than.. well.. ummm.. why is it even held??

Lover of the written word. said...
October 2, 2009 at 8:21 AM

I cracked up umpteenth number of times while reading this post. It almost had a visual effect on me =P

The sword fighting bit and OFCOURSE jeetes and meetes was frigging hilarious...Half my family names end with ESS. :O :\
saaxy post karishma!

Goddess of Nonsense said...
October 3, 2009 at 2:18 PM

Lol Thanks Himani :)

Zeba, Dandiya is never the only reason to dress up like that :)

Unknown said...
October 5, 2009 at 9:30 PM

Lovely... escpecially bcoz im in the dhokla county.

oRange* said...
October 6, 2009 at 10:32 PM

what are u saying!
i find gujjus extremely cute!

they are just so adorable :P

Jack said...
October 9, 2009 at 9:23 PM


Got your link form one of your good comments. Read all available posts. Could you buy everything of the Shopping list? Love is many hues, love for parents, siblings, children, friends and then of course for your partner not to talk of country, society or pets. It is a pure feeling with so much of bliss. We generally link love to partners only which is wrong. Enjoy your IV but do keep in mind " Enjoy your drink and not let the drink enjoy you." I used to read a lot but have been out of touch for a long time now. However I will suggest PG Wodehouse ( Laughing Gas to start with ), Irving Wallance, Ken Follet , Jeff Archer. These are few names which came in my mind. At times we have to bear with what goes on as popular in the society.

If you find time, do visit me and read as many posts as you can leaving your views.

Take care

Goddess of Nonsense said...
October 13, 2009 at 12:14 PM

Hey jack,
Firstly I'd like to say thank you so much for stopping by.
And thanks for the valuable comments.
I'll keep all of that in mind.
I haven't been able to check your blog because i have exams. But I'm going to do that a little later today. Thanks so much again and keep visiting :)