Things to do in 2009 -

Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
  1. Learn tarot professionally :)
  2. Learn cooking (mainly fancy desserts)
  3. Learn driving!!! (I've waited all my life for this and now that I'm 18 i don't give a f**k)
  4. Learn Reiki
  5. Learn Belly Dancing (higher levels)
  6. Learn to wake up for morning lectures :)
  7. Learn to take a bath in less that 30 minutes :)
  8. Learn to keep my room clean (hahahahah yea right!)
  9. Learn to be more organised and focussed (Ok you can stop laughing now)
  10. Scream at my brother less (You are on the floor now aren't you !)

Friends Forever?

Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on ,
To most of you getting your heart broken in love is probably one of the worst experiences in life. It is the exit of someone who meant a lot to you. And once you've made place for someone in your heart and your life, letting go of them is probably one of the most difficult things; and you find your happily ever after turning into a happily never after.

But according to me, they are not the only relationships that break you when they fall apart. What about your friends? Is it really possible to say good-bye to them? Is it really possible to accept that they are not a part of your life anymore? According to me, losing them hurts just as much, if not more. And you know what hurts even more than that? When it's not your friend but your best friends involved.

You know what is stupid about girls like me? Apparently, 'happily ever after' is not the only mistaken belief we hold onto. There is also 'best friends forever'. And you know hat happens when we make friends with those who dont believe in the same principle as you? That's right. You get your fragile little heart broken.

So that my friends is the story of my life. These friends I talk about were so close to me that I couldn't even imagine life without them. I couldn't imagine getting through half day without talking to them. I couldn't imagine that that there would be a day when they'll have no idea about what is going on in my life. And while I had them, I believed that no force in the world could take them away from me.

When I look back I can hardly believe the kind of faith I had in my friendship. The truth is I barely know anything about their lives anymore. And what's worse is I don't know the persons they have turned into. When I look at them, I crave to see glimpses of who they used to be. And I manage to dissapoint myself every single time.

They say- what doesn't break you makes you stronger. Well I know that it has affected me deeply and made me feel more helpness and miserable that I ever have. But at the same time it has made me realise that so may be all friends are not going to be there forever. I still love them a lot and will always be there for them when they need me. Till then I'm going to stop making place in my heart for those who don't have place in their heart for me :) .


Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
None of us know for sure if God really exists, but we still pray. I guess at some level we just want to believe that there is somebody out there who is listening to us when the rest of the world has turned it's backs on us. It is this belief that keeps us going. Then there is also the saying faith and hope are an essential part of a prayer.
So that is just what I do. I hope that I get what I'm praying for and have faith in the fact that I'm going to get it. I'm not a very religious person. I barely ever go to the temple. I don't chant any mantras. And I certainly don't believe in made up prayers because i feel that every time you pray, your soul is seeking communion with God. And you cannot dictate the soul the soul to say a few lines that you have conned by rote.
So everytime I open up my heart and soul to the divine energy, and let them express their truest desires, I believe, with every fibre in my body that my prayers have been heard and they will soon be answered. I know that what I'm asking for is not unrealistic. It's something that I need at the moment, more than anything in this world. But after repeating the same unanswered prayers over and over again, I'm starting to feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm staring to feel like a complete failure. It is destroying the one thing I'm desparately trying to hold
When the only one you have turns his back on you, something inside you just falls apart. Now I feel like I'm afraid of praying again for the one thing my soul truely desires. I'm afraid if I dont get it this time it might destroy the remaining bits of faith that I have. And I really do not want that to happen. I do not want to stop believing in God. I do not want to stop believing that there is somebody out there who can make everything alright. So I'm going to do the one thing I find most appropriate, I'm just going to stop praying.


Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on , ,
According to Paulo, soulmates are not decided by us. Our bond with them is timeless. The bond has existed in our previous lifetimes and will continue to exist in the future ones. You will be able to recognise them by a special light above their left shoulders or in their eyes. And once you do, you will be united together once again by the ultimate bond of love. Life will find a new meaning.

According to F, soulmates are simply your mates from previous lives and the world in between those two lives. This means that friends and relatives we are close to or share a special bond with are soulmates as well. Then there is a twin soul. A twin soul is one that has branched out from your own soul in order to help you fulfill more karma in this lifetime. When I asked him if people usually end up with their twin souls, he just laughed and said worldly relations have no meaning in the spirit world. Finding someone in this life could be something that is predecided. However it could also be something that happens by chance. To be attracted to a person it's not necesarry to have known from another life or the spirit world.

And pooofff! After listening to him I felt like every romantic idea that I have embraced for so long was now being washed down the drain. The reason I love reading Paulo is that he takes you away from this world and helps you escape into a romantic world of your own. And for someone like me who loves escaping into a dream world, nothing could be better.
Apart from being romantic, the idea of having a predecided soulmate takes a certain pressure off you. Very often we are confused about our relationships. We wonder if we have taken the right decision. If there is someone better out there. If we've been to hasty. But knowing that this was meant to happen and there is nothing you can do to change it, helps ease the pain you are suffering.
At the same time, believing that destiny is responsible for the events in your life means that you will never take charge of your life. You will keep believing that whatever is happening is supposed and you will do nothing to change it eventhough it very much is in your hand. At the same time there are chances you will turn your back on a relationship that is really meant to be simply because you are unable to see a light above their shoulders!
So as much as I'd like to believe that there is someone who has been sne t down this earth specially for me, I'm going to be a little more practical and I'm going to keep my eyes a little more open. But hey that really doesn't mean I have to stop looking for the light, does it ? ;)