About a Short Story

Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
Since I haven't blogged in about four weeks, I am trying very hard to make for it today.
Well reason being.....I plan to start studying tomorrow. *tries to control her laughter*
Every time before the exams start, I find myself wondering why I didn't start studying earlier. But I still never manage to wake up in time.
Even if I do manage to start off in time, the days that follow are full of distractions.
*sigh* Complications of a student life!

So anyway, I have spoken enough about why I'm utterly useless.
Now let's move on to the better things in my life.
We had a Creative Writing project.
We were supposed to write a short story on any topic according to a certain framework.

Now while I knew I was capable of writing poems and articles and rant on and on about absolutely nothing, I believed that writing a short story was not my cup of tea.
However since I was feeling quite useless this semester, I decided to give it a shot.

I managed not only to write a story, but one that was 3500 words, which I got down to 3200 words eventually and crossed 2500 mark by 700 words!! =)
Three Cheers for me!
And all those of you who think I must have added a lot of unnecessary drama to increase the words, you're absolutely wrong!
Well I must say, I did have to suppress the irresistible urge to add unnecessary drama here and there but all in all I think I'm quite happy with the final product.
Never mind that two months later when I read it again, I'm going to roll my eyes till they fall out of my socket.

So now that I have 'established' myself as a story writer and all that, I'm going to pretend like there are a lot of people who are interested in the story behind my story.
Guys, the truth is there are stories inside everyone of us. School stories, college stories, work stories, love stories, neighbours' stories, eavesdropping stories.
Sometimes you write about these stories and sometimes you take a little from real life and add fiction to it, new dimensions, new possibilities and you have a brand new story.
So that's what I did.
There was a story inside of me for a long time and I always wondered what it would be like if things weren't actually the way they were.
based on that, I created my story.
10% real life and 90% fiction. :D

Yes yes you can stand and applaud now ;p

P.S. I'll put the story up in a while. Adios! :)


Tanuj Lakhina said...
September 15, 2009 at 1:37 AM

The extra dimension added is called gossiping.lol

Parinita said...
September 18, 2009 at 8:40 PM

*stands up*


p.s. that reminds me, mail me the story. i wanna read