My first film!

Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
I see people involving themselves with PETA, Bati Band, CRY and the likes. I don't really know how people levitate towards a certain cause and why they are more passionate about the ones they pick. All I know is that I'm very sensitive about issues concerning 'women' and if there is a cause for me, it is this!

I remember reading about female infanticide when I was little and I had tears in my eyes. At the same time when I read about people being killed and places being bombed, I did feel terrible. Just not enough to cry. Even the little things I heard like girls not being allowed to work after marriage affected me to a great extent. I know there are larger issues in this world than female infanticide, dowry, domestic violence and opression in general, but this is my cause and will continue to be.

So when we had to make a film for college, I didn't really have to think much about what I wanted it to be. Most of the people formed a story around the poem they selected. I already had my story in mind. All I had to was find the right poem. And guess what? I did. The only thing that remained was moulding the story around the poem. And that didn't take too much time either.

I'm not saying the film is amazing. Infact I would say it's mediocre. Even my acting is pretty average. But I made a film on something I am extremely passionate about and that is enough to make me happy ! =)

P.s. Looks like the innumerable books I've read on tortured middle-eastern women finally paid off ;) !


Parinita said...
January 10, 2009 at 5:03 PM

I'm completely with you on the women issues. Children and animal cruelty is all very sad and everything and makes me go "Awww" but anything anti-women makes me wanna wring a neck or two.

Parinita said...
January 10, 2009 at 5:21 PM

Oh and gay rights too.