
Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
Sometimes, you don't intend for it to happen, but it just does.
Sometimes, you are too engrossed in your life and you don't seem to realise when it happens.
Sometimes, it's better to not have certain people in your life and you are more than willing to let go off them.
Sometimes, you know it's your fault and it's better to let go, than to hurt them.
Sometimes, you can't help the fact that you just don't care anymore.
Sometimes, you can't help the fact that people don't care about you anymore and there is nothing you can do to make them stay.

What do you do when you know they still care? And no matter what you do you can't stop caring either.
Things however refuse to go back to being how they used to. Fact is, they never might go back to being the way they used to.
People walk in and out of your life all the the time. You walk in and out of peoples' life all the time. It is one of the most natural things in life. So why does it seem so unnatural this time?
Why does it feel like no matter what I do, I may never be able to ease the pain completely or fill that empty space inside of me.....


Pratz said...
February 9, 2009 at 10:31 PM

could relate to it a lot...

Mohit Sureka said...
February 16, 2009 at 7:31 PM

i lyk the write up..sumthing pinches about it :) !