- I hate being lectured about how irresponsible I am and how my room is always in a mess!
- I hate being the mess that I am!
- I hate how I'm so unfocused right now!
- I hate how I should be serious about my project and I really don't give a f**k
- I hate how I don't know where my life is going.
- I hate how my best friends move away!
- I hate how I can't take the next flight to go see them!
- I hate how I keep trying to find an incentive to go to college but I can't
- I hate how I don't write in my diary anymore!
- I hate how my articles are supposedly not college related!
- I hate how CJ wont fucking pay!
- I hate the fact that I started writing only so that I could have enough money to fund a course I want to take, when I could have found i better way of earning it!
- I hate how I have to share my room with someone I can't stand!
- I hate being lectured about how I have no social skills and I don't talk to relatives at parties.
- I hate being lectured about how I sleep late everyday!
- I hate having to change the bed covers everyday!
So much to hate ! so little time! sigh
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