
Posted by Goddess of Nonsense on
None of us know for sure if God really exists, but we still pray. I guess at some level we just want to believe that there is somebody out there who is listening to us when the rest of the world has turned it's backs on us. It is this belief that keeps us going. Then there is also the saying faith and hope are an essential part of a prayer.
So that is just what I do. I hope that I get what I'm praying for and have faith in the fact that I'm going to get it. I'm not a very religious person. I barely ever go to the temple. I don't chant any mantras. And I certainly don't believe in made up prayers because i feel that every time you pray, your soul is seeking communion with God. And you cannot dictate the soul the soul to say a few lines that you have conned by rote.
So everytime I open up my heart and soul to the divine energy, and let them express their truest desires, I believe, with every fibre in my body that my prayers have been heard and they will soon be answered. I know that what I'm asking for is not unrealistic. It's something that I need at the moment, more than anything in this world. But after repeating the same unanswered prayers over and over again, I'm starting to feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm staring to feel like a complete failure. It is destroying the one thing I'm desparately trying to hold
When the only one you have turns his back on you, something inside you just falls apart. Now I feel like I'm afraid of praying again for the one thing my soul truely desires. I'm afraid if I dont get it this time it might destroy the remaining bits of faith that I have. And I really do not want that to happen. I do not want to stop believing in God. I do not want to stop believing that there is somebody out there who can make everything alright. So I'm going to do the one thing I find most appropriate, I'm just going to stop praying.


deeps said...
December 12, 2008 at 9:00 PM

Extending One Hand to Help Somebody has More Value, than Joining Two Hands for Prayer.

hey this is a soul-nourishing one

deeps said...
December 14, 2008 at 9:48 AM

heyy .. if you leave the reply here , the ones to whom it is meant have no way to know that!

nice day

Unknown said...
December 30, 2008 at 7:44 PM

wat u said was absolutely correct, but patience pays.And if u realize this later when one of ur wishes will be fulfilled u'll regret the fact that u stopped praying just because they wern't answered immediately;believe me u'll get wat u want, just dont lose hope and wait for it 2 come true.Times change very slowly,u won't even realize when it happened!

Anonymous said...
March 22, 2009 at 1:27 AM

OMG thats exactly how i've felt at one point of time. Glad to know i'm not the only one. But keep holding on. This too shall pass :) Have patience.